Learn how to create an online income and gain financial freedom.

By watching this 60 minute masterclass you'll learn:


1. The 6 mistakes you need to be aware of (or could even be making already) that can stop you from ever earning a dollar online. 


2. You'll learn the 3 steps that make up a time freedom framework - what you actually need to build to 'replace' yourself, and make sales without being present


3. The 3 crucial steps that you'll need to claim back your time + the digital skills & framework to create an income you truly love

Hey we're Taui and Shekinah
We’re so happy you are here and we would love to share our story with you and
show you how affiliate marketing can add value to your life like it has to ours. 
We’re a young couple from New Zealand who were always sacrificing our time together
just to make ends meet. Finally one day we knew enough was enough!  We decided
to claim back our time and build wealth while we're at it. 
We have looked into other business courses before but to be honest we've never
been able to complete them as they were very confusing and hard to understand. It wasn’t
until we come across the world of affiliate marketing that’s when everything changed.
Taui and I both completed the Freedom Affiliate Launch course.
We gained a lot of knowledge and framework. Because of this experience we decided to
become affiliate partners. How exciting is that?
The course is super easy to understand. The program is set out
where most of the trainings are in video form, which helps you so much more.
I love how it helps you build a strong frame of mind by filling it with loads of positivity
and hopefulness. And to those who are not tech savvy, We know exactly what you’re thinking?
We had those exact thoughts too. But guess what? You don’t need to be tech
savvy to do this course. We definitely didn't know much when we started but now we’ve
learnt how to set up our own online business and automated systems. Although it's been smooth sailing it does take some grit and determination but remember it's all in your control.
It still blows our minds that we are apart of the affiliate marketing community
and it's crazy to think that we are on our way to being financially free!
We both believe that affiliate marketing helps you create a life you’ve ALWAYS wanted. 
If you’re looking for a way to replace your old income with a new income that allows you
to work from any location you want. Then affiliate marketing could be the answer
you’re been searching for. I invite you to watch a free masterclass on how
to build a time freedom framework and start earning as an affiliate.
Just pop in your name and email and I’ll send you the free masterclass. 
*Don't forget to check your junk email*
It's packed with valuable information that will help you Hustle your way to freedom.